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Writer's picture: Stephanie StromStephanie Strom

Romans 8 is one of the more well-known passages in the Bible. But this morning, when I read the words, they struck me hard. Paul is building a lawyer’s case for God’s unwavering love towards us. Through a series of compounding questions, he drives the truth deeper. Let’s listen in:

What then shall we say to these things?

“If God…”

If God” If God, Creator, Omniscient, Omnipresent, Perfect, the embodiment of Light and Holiness and Righteousness – this one…

“If He “is FOR us…”

For us. On your side, by your side, guiding and guarding, gathering you under His wing, claiming you as His own, cheering you on.

“Who can be against us?”

Who? Tell me who could possibly be against you? No one. And not God, certainly. And if God isn’t against you, does it really matter if someone else is? To prove this point, Paul continues.

Now, think about this. It’s a brain-full:

“He who did not spare His Son, but gave Him up for us all…” Our God did not hold back His Son—His only Son, His beloved, His irreplaceable treasure— nor guard Him for harm, but instead GAVE Him to YOU, sacrificing Him for YOUR benefit. If God loved you so much to give us Jesus, the perfect gift, then…

“How will He not also with Him graciously give us all things?” Listen, if God willingly gave you the most precious gift in all of existence, His Son, why would He withhold anything else? Indeed, He wouldn’t. Jesus is the ultimate, costly treasure. In fact, He is the very heart of God. If God would hand Jesus over to you as a gift, He will graciously, freely, obviously give you everything else.

“Who shall bring ANY charge against God’s elect? God is the judge. And, according to what we just learned, God is FOR you, and graciously gives you everything, beginning with His Son. So, if this is the God with the gavel, then who can stand in court and hurl an accusation against you that will stick? No one. Because…

“It is God who JUSTIFIES.” Justifies. Wipes your slate clean. Like forgiveness? Oh no! This supersedes forgiveness and makes you CLEAN. How clean? To the degree as if you never sinned in the first place. And if you never sinned in the first place, there are NO accusations to be made. He sees perfection because YOU are covered in Jesus’ garments of righteousness.

“Who is to condemn?” Who then? “Christ Jesus is the one who died—more than that, who was raised—who is at the right hand of God...”

Jesus Christ conquered sin and death the moment His dead body took a breath. Now, He stands in the place of ultimate authority, at the right hand of the throne. Doing what?

“…who indeed is interceding for us.” His job, His delight, His passion is to PRAY for YOU. Constantly. Always. Who could possibly condemn you when God looks to His right at His glorified Son who has been talking about YOU to the Father every second.

So, tell me, who shall separate you from the love of Christ? Who? What? Nothing can. Nothing. None.

No, in all these things you are more than a conqueror through Him who loved YOU.

For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in ALL creation, will be able to separate you from the love of God in Christ Jesus your Lord.

No matter what you face today, no matter what lies the enemy speaks, no matter the trial of the soul, THIS IS TRUE.

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Barbara Crawford
Barbara Crawford
Sep 10, 2020

I love this wonderful message from God! It brightens my day and makes me want to love others more.


Sep 10, 2020

I love this! It Is the God that I need to be reminded of a lot. He is THE God that loves us so much- that is always with us- that gave up His son for us! That more than forgives- that never leaves us! Thank you Stephanie for helping me to remember who my God is this morning♥️

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